Meditation by Creation 🧘🏻‍♀️

Meditation by Creation 🧘🏻‍♀️

I am uncertain if anyone would like to read a long story about a handmade jewellery designer, but I think it is interesting to share. Maybe you will find a kind of coherence in my self-talk.

Like everyone, I kept pursuing, obtaining, reaching, but not satisfying, whether that is a goal, a life stage, a promotion, a relationship, etc. The goal seems endless because my desires are endless.

"Too busy in living, cause forgetting of life; Forgetting of life, causing the dead in souls."

That is a quo of myself that I wrote in high school. The theory is simple. When I put my mind and effort into the outer world, I would not have enough time to cater to my inner self. The chaos is never to be ended in this world. So, if I do not dedicate my time to clearing my mind, I will be smashed up by my entire world.

I used to spend all my time working so that I could escape from my life. The stress of work, family, and relationships scattered into every aspect of my life. Finally, I pause my job and discover the true silence and calm in the creation of nature.

Every handmade time is my recipe for meditation.

The flowers, the sky, the ocean, the stones, and the entire nature, all are effortless and beautiful by instinct. I am well taught to plan and execute to obtain excellence, but the natural world seems like snapping on my face. The beauty and the holy are all here in the natural world.

I became calm and relaxed while adoring nature and my handmade. All of the anxiety, hesitations, desperation, etc.... are gone. That was a Zen moment. A moment when a person, a living creature, re-connected with the natural world.

That is the story of Work by Nature.

I draw inspiration from the ever-changing seasons, to capture nature's beauty, and hope it can provide a self-care moment just by admiring the beauties of nature. I believe my jewellery pieces will make everyone capable of embracing the artistry of nature and then carrying the Zen mind anywhere & everywhere.
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